Exchanges & Returns

Currently, Shoppeur does not have a Refund policy.

However, if you receive an incorrect or damaged item, please contact our customer care department within 5 days of receiving your order for further assistance. We will work with you to find a satisfactory solution, which may include a replacement.

Customers are free to cancel their orders at any time before the order has been processed. Once an order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation via email and an SMS with your Cash On Delivery (COD) amount as well as the order tracking ID. Unfortunately, we cannot cancel or modify an order that has already been shipped.

Please note that items must be returned in their original condition and packaging, and shipping fees may apply. We reserve the right to reject any returns that do not meet these requirements.

Thank you for shopping with Shoppeur, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding our policies.